Foreign Policy
Policy issues

Foreign Policy

Over the last several decades, the United States has abandoned a principled, clear-headed realism and restraint in its foreign policy for interventionist liberal internationalism. This capitulation has led to unnecessary nonstop wars that have squandered trillions of dollars, and resulted in the emotional and physical scarring of our warfighting communities and allies who no longer invest in their own security.

Under President Trump, that complacent foreign policy methodology changed, as his administration unwound our entanglements, most notably in Afghanistan. Under Biden, most regrettably in the uniparty’s Ukraine debacle, the previous foreign policy status quo has been reestablished, leaving America increasingly vulnerable as our adversaries grow stronger.

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One Pager: Interoperability and Military Exercises in “Dormant NATO”

To enter a dormant NATO posture, and free up resources for the Pacific theater and US southern border, US participation in NATO military exercises must be circumscribed.

Q and A: a “Dormant NATO” Supplemental

“Dormant NATO” is increasingly being debated across the Euro-Atlantic. Accordingly, this supplemental addresses a few issues raised recently.

Primer: Improve Military Readiness By Polishing Down the Brass

A Presidential Memorandum could reduce the number of general officer and flag officer positions in the US military, improving decision-making and accountability in the DoD. 

Primer: Palestinian Culture is Prohibitive for Assimilation

*Polling conducted after this paper was published found 72% of the public (meaning Palestinians) believe…