Over the last several decades, the United States has abandoned a principled, clear-headed realism and restraint in its foreign policy for interventionist liberal internationalism. This capitulation has led to unnecessary nonstop wars that have squandered trillions of dollars, and resulted in the emotional and physical scarring of our warfighting communities and allies who no longer invest in their own security.
Under President Trump, that complacent foreign policy methodology changed, as his administration unwound our entanglements, most notably in Afghanistan. Under Biden, most regrettably in the uniparty’s Ukraine debacle, the previous foreign policy status quo has been reestablished, leaving America increasingly vulnerable as our adversaries grow stronger.
Towards Greater Engagement and Integration with Greenland and a New American Arctic Century
Those preserving U.S. hegemony have always preferred, in the words attributed to Cardinal Richelieu, to have an “iron hand in a velvet glove.” The north is one theater where that priority needs to be restored.
Primer: The American Canal - The Case for Revisiting the Panama Canal Treaties
America’s prosperity and national defense both depend heavily on the responsible and effective maintenance of the Panama Canal, and controversy surrounding the United States’ relationship with canal operations has always been about how best to pursue these two priorities.