Secure borders
Policy issues

Secure Borders

Both major political parties have used America’s border as a political football designed to protect the interests of big-monied donors. 

The failure to secure our border is intentional, stemming from a deep desire among various industries to attain cheap labor at the expense of U.S. national security, safe communities, American wages, and a sensible immigration system that serves the interests of citizens. 

A secure border must be followed by a reformed immigration system that preserves tight labor markets for low-skilled workers and ensures that limited high-skilled visas fill real needs in our economy, not the wants of big tech companies or agricultural conglomerates.

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We strongly believe that the inherent constitutional authority of the President of the United States as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces (and the militia) provides the President with all necessary authority needed to utilize the U.S. military to secure America’s borders from invasion by any person, group, or force.

CRA Files Amicus Brief to Affirm Texas’ Authority to Repel An Invasion

CRA contends that the Constitution recognizes that the states retained their sovereign right to self-defense against invasion when they joined the union.

That's why CRA has filed an amicus brief today in the 5th Circuit that affirms Texas’ authority to repel a border invasion.