Healthy Communities
Policy issues

Healthy Communities

American communities are ravaged by opioids, families are fearful about basic safety, and parents are forced to fight against a radical transgender movement that rejects fundamental truths about human biology and pushes children down a path of despair. After decades of our civic foundations being hollowed out, the Center for Renewing America is committed to defeating these societal poisons and reviving the health of our communities. 

This fight begins with support of intact families, where fathers, mothers, and guardians are present and responsible for the education, growth, moral grounding, and civic duty instilled in their children. 

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Postmodern Christians and Their Nice Arrangements of Epithets

As two recent popular books show, progressive Christians are trading traditional rational argument for postmodern irrationality and rhetorical sleights of hand.

Tariffs and Trade Wars

When two countries engage in escalating protectionist measures, you have a trade war, but good jobs with fair wages in healthy communities are worth fighting for.

How Tariffs Can Help Boost American Production

By functionally making foreign labor more expensive, a universal tariff can protect American industries with good-paying jobs.

One Pager: The Risks of Tariffs Have Been Inflated

Inflation is primarily a monetary issue; a universal tariff creates a price of entry to the US market that will affect different imports and importers differently.