Policy issues

Primer: Renounce Calls for Decolonization in All Their Forms

When activists call for decolonization, they are not merely making sure that one country does not take over another country to abusively use it for resources and bleed it economically dry. In social justice discourse, decolonization means far more than that. 

PRIMER: Reforming a Weaponized Security System

Although any meaningful challenge to the bureaucracy is a daunting task, those seeking to reform the personnel security clearance process must be particularly prudent, knowledgeable, and courageous in the face of inevitable criticism.

Primer: Break the Iron Triangle of FBI Weaponization

In American politics, an “iron triangle” describes mutually supportive relationships between bureaucratic agencies, special interest…

Primer: Palestinian Culture is Prohibitive for Assimilation

*Polling conducted after this paper was published found 72% of the public (meaning Palestinians) believe…