Micah Meadowcroft

Research Director

Micah Meadowcroft is research director of the Center for Renewing America and a contributing editor of The American Conservative magazine. He writes essays, columns, and criticism for a wide array of publications, on politics, culture, foreign affairs, technology, and religion. Before joining CRA, he was the online editor of The American Conservative. He served as White House liaison at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Trump administration, and assisted in speechwriting there.

Micah was a 2021-22 Robert Novak journalism fellow for the Fund for American Studies and a 2022 Lincoln fellow at the Claremont Institute. He holds an M.A. in social science from the University of Chicago, where he wrote on political theory. His B.A. is in history from Hillsdale College, where he also minored in journalism. Micah hails from the Pacific Northwest. He and his wife live in Virginia. He can be followed on Twitter at @micaheadowcroft.

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One Pager: Interoperability and Military Exercises in “Dormant NATO”

To enter a dormant NATO posture, and free up resources for the Pacific theater and US southern border, US participation in NATO military exercises must be circumscribed.

Q and A: a “Dormant NATO” Supplemental

“Dormant NATO” is increasingly being debated across the Euro-Atlantic. Accordingly, this supplemental addresses a few issues raised recently.