Russ Vought Statement on Speakership Fight

“After the entire political establishment, including all manner of legacy conservative pundits, said it was wrong or impossible, the 20 conservative stalwarts who temporarily blocked Kevin McCarthy from becoming Speaker have now forced an agreement that, as reported, is truly transformational in how the House of Representatives should be run. It levels a body blow against the DC political cartel that colludes against the American people.
“Namely, it gives House conservatives the procedural power through the all-important Rules Committee to control the consideration of all major bills and amendments — independence from Leadership not seen in nearly 60 years. It creates a modern-day Church-style committee with full authority and resources to hold the weaponized national security state accountable. It commits the House to balance the budget in ten years, with substantial cuts to woke and weaponized government, and dictates the terms for the upcoming fight on the debt limit. And it enforces all of these commitments by allowing any one member to force a vote on removing the Speaker. All of these are major priorities envisioned and championed by the Center for Renewing America.
“This agreement would not be possible but for the early and immediate five members who defined the art of the possible by publicly declaring their opposition to Mr. McCarthy. And now this agreement must be the foundation moving forward in the House of Representatives for all future Speakers.”