CRA Budget in Focus: Department of State and Foreign Aid

CRA proposes a funding level of $25.5 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of State, the U.S. Agency for Internal Development (USAID), and other agencies distributing foreign aid, a decrease of $34.9 billion or 57.8 percent over FY23 enacted levels. This decrease would amount to 24% of the $147 billion needed to return nondefense discretionary spending to the FY19 level.
A Woke Bureaucracy Weaponized Against American Interests Abroad
1) The State Department’s Diplomatic Programs (DP) is a key exporter of woke ideology abroad–often forcing it on countries who reject the ideology. Hundreds of millions of dollars go to support programs like gay pride parades in Prague, LGBTI activists in Senegal, LGBTQIA+ social events in Australia, and drag theater in Ecuador–undermining U.S. standing with international partners who do not approve of the sexual and cultural revolution being exported by America and Western Europe.
2) U.S. taxpayers fund international bodies through the State Department that use their access to advance the left’s woke agenda around the world, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)1 and the World Health Organization (WHO).2
NATO was formed in a post-WWII era, still reeling from a land war across the European continent. Today’s NATO alliance continues to be Euro-focused, while the greatest danger facing the United States lies in Asia. In fact, NATO’s latest strategy document outlines climate change as a defining threat to the existing global order, underscoring the alliance’s outdated and unserious outlook. Member states also routinely meddle in the domestic affairs of other Member countries, as was the case at a NATO Summit held after the Dobbs decision.3 Or in the instance of an NGO specifically established to promote NATO within Canada asserting that “NATO must…respond to the security crisis that the LGBTQ+ community faces…[in] Hungary.”4 NATO has embraced a full woke agenda and is holding conferences at its headquarters on “LGBTQ+ perspectives in the workplace.”5
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO repeatedly amplified Chinese propaganda about the origins of the virus and actively worked to cover up Chinese complicity in its spread. Formed as an independent body, the WHO has become a mouthpiece for an agenda that panders to the left’s worldview on health equity.6 It has also embraced the left’s radical gender ideology and aims to increase “sensitivity among health-care personnel to help eliminate stigma and discrimination of transgender people.”7 Perhaps most distressing is the collusion between the Biden administration and WHO on amendments that would give the organization unilateral authority to declare an international health emergency and impact domestic policy within the United States.8
3) The DP’s Equity Action Plan (EAP) is a framework designed to advance race essentialism and radical gender ideology as a guiding principle of U.S. diplomacy, referring to “intersectional/ity” eleven times, “underserved communities” 47 times, and “equity” 113 times.9 The plan pivots away from diplomacy tethered to U.S. national security interests and instead prioritizes “engagements with diplomatic partners and individuals from underrepresented and underserved communities worldwide to better assess and embed equity into US foreign policies.”10
4) The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) operates several “capacity building” programs abroad and uses these programs to introduce an unsuspecting world to a woke ideology. For example, USAID aims to identify and address “restrictive gender norms and inequalities…to foster the sustainability of results.”11 USAID also meddles in local elections, promoting the interests of “women, youth, and other traditionally marginalized groups” ahead of the interests of the citizenry as a whole.12
5) The State Department uses “family planning” programs to normalize and push access to abortion and promote the LGBTQIA+ agenda under the euphemism of “reproductive health.” Even in countries with strict limits on abortion but poor finances, places like Zimbabwe, for example, the State Department will ignore loan default rules to invest and push access to abortion and an LGBT agenda under the guise of family planning and reproductive health programs.13
6) Through the Migration and Refugee Assistance program, the U.S. brings in thousands of refugees from around the world, many of whom cannot be properly vetted and do not share foundational American values. These programs place no emphasis on assimilation and thereby further inflame social fragmentation in American communities. For instance, in September 2022, two Afghan refugees were accused of attempting to sexually assault children and of physically abusing a woman in separate incidents while living at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin.”14
7) Until its exposure in February 2023, the Department of State-funded British company Global Disinformation Index (GDI) a total of $330,000 to aid in the Biden administration’s efforts to blacklist and block conservative media companies. Using a “dynamic exclusion list,” GDI feeds “blacklists to ad companies with the intent of defunding and shutting down websites peddling alleged ‘disinformation.’”15
8) Funded in part by USAID, the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) stated mission is to “spur sustainable economic development…thus contributing to poverty reduction.” Tucked behind its economic work is a woke agenda focused on “social progress.” In February 2023, AfDB participated in a $47 million funding round for AfricaGoGreen Fund “to broaden its financing for climate-friendly projects in Africa.”16
Examples of Woke Grant Funding
- A $10,628 grant through the Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia to Albanian-based Aleanca LGBT for “launching an online helpline for the Albanian LGBTI community.”
- Another $14,950 grant through the Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia to Albanian-based Aleanca LGBT for “funding Albanian litigation strategy in defense of the Albanian LGBTI community.”
- An $18,000 grant through the Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia to Armenian Progressive Youth NGO for “supporting the Armenian youth LGBTI community and activists.”
- A $38,000 grant through the Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia to Ravshani Po for “increasing the level of acceptance of members of the LGBTQI community.”
- A $20,787 grant through the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations to American Jewish World Service, Inc. to support the Haitian LGBTI community and fund their woke agenda.
- Three grants totaling $17,500 through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to Amigos Siempre Amigos for “OutFest” in “support of LGBT issues.”
- Two grants totaling $12,000 through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to Associacao Lambda Alliance for “promoting the positive visibility of the LGBT community” in Mozambique.
- A $25,000 grant through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to Association Aides of Senegal for “organizing training sessions for 24 LGBTI activists from Fatick, Kaffrine, and Tambacounda.”
- Two grants totaling $12,600 through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity to “cover travel costs for an activist to speak at Vancouver Pride Week.”
- A $5,000 grant through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to Ara Art Z.S. for a “Pride event in Prague.”
- A $4,500 grant through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to Valodu Muzejs for “poetry highlighting the LGBT community” in Latvia.
- A $3,000 grant through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to Australia-based Busselton Mardi Gras, Inc. for “LGBTQIA+ movie nights and other social events.”
- A $12,000 grant through the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to YAAJ Transformando Tu Vida A.C. in Mexico for “developing digital platforms, workshops, and training supporting LGBT+ youth.”
- A $67,000 grant through the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor to the Comissao Nacional Para os Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (CNDHC) for “increasing understanding of sexual minorities.”
- A $25,000 grant through the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor to the Association for a Critical Approach to Gender for “building tolerance and understanding toward LGBTI people in Macedonia.”
- A $25,000 grant through the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor to the Rainbow Rights Project, Inc for “strengthening legal protections of LGBTI people in the Philippines.”
- A $400,000 grant through the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor to the Centre for Population Health Initiatives for “enhancing protections for LGBTQI populations” by “sensitizing state and local police forces.”
- A $25,000 grant through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration to the Center for the Development of People for “protection activities for LGBTI people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.”
- A $145,000 grant through the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs to the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality for “supporting media advocates for LGBT issues.”
- A $150,000 grant through the Inter-American Foundation to Pride in Action for “opening a resource center for LGBT students between the ages of 16-30” in Melbourne, Australia.
- A $330,000 grant through the Inter-American Foundation to Corporacion Caribe Afirmativo for “raising awareness about the struggles of the LGBTI community in the Caribbean.”
- Two grants totaling $850,000 through USAID to the Bandhu Social Welfare Society for “the rights of gender diverse people” in Bangladesh.
- A $3.7 million grant through USAID to Aurat Publication & Information Service Foundation to “provide support for gender equity programs” in Pakistan.
- Eighty-five grants totaling $138.1 million through USAID to the International Organization for Migration for “humanitarian assistance” rubber-stamped to an organization that is functionally an apparatus of the United Nations and supports open borders.
- Eight grants totaling $21.7 million through USAID to the Soros-backed Tides Center for various “civil society innovation initiatives.”
- A $1 million grant through USAID to the United Nations Development Programme for supporting “LGBTI human rights advocacy in Asia.”
- A $370,000 grant through USAID to Public Information and Need of Knowledge (NGO) for promoting “the human rights of LGBTI people in Armenian society.”
- A $1.1 million grant through USAID to the Pink Human Rights Defender NGO for “empowering the LGBTI community and their allies to advance human rights.”
- A $323,871 grant through USAID to Ryan Thomas Kaminski to serve as the U.S. personal service contractor (between USAID and its contractors) LGBTI Advisor.
Major Discretionary Savings
In millions of dollars
Program | FY23 | CRA FY24 | Difference ($) | Difference (%) |
Diplomatic Programs | 9,463,000 | 7,965,887 | -1,497,113 | -15.8 |
Educational & Cultural Exchanges | 778,000 | 0 | -778,000 | -100.0 |
International Peacekeeping | 1,382,000 | 0 | -1,382,000 | -100.0 |
Int. Narcotics & Law Enforcement | 1,391,000 | 0 | -1,391,000 | -100.0 |
Migration & Refugee Assistance | 2,912,000 | 45,414 | -2,866,586 | -98.4 |
Millenium Challenge Corp. | 830,000 | 0 | -830,000 | -100.0 |
Economic Support Fund | 4,251,000 | 0 | -4,251,000 | -100.0 |
Multilateral Assistance | 2,854,000 | 100,000 | -2,754,000 | -96.5 |
Development Assistance | 4,369,000 | 0 | -4,369,000 | -100.0 |
Int. Disaster Assistance | 3,905,000 | 0 | -3,905,000 | -100.0 |
Global Health | 10,561,000 | 5,760,966 | -4,800,034 | -45.5 |
Food for Peace | 1,750,000 | 0 | -1,750,000 | -100.0 |
Other Programs | 15,986,000 | 11,648,764 | -4,337,236 | -27.1 |
Total, State & Foreign Aid | 60,432,000 | 25,521,031 | -34,910,969 | -57.8 |
1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (January 12, 2023). “Funding NATO,” North Atlantic Treaty Organization. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_67655.htm
2. World Health Organization (May 19, 2022). “A Global Force for Health,” World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors/usa
3. Desiderio, A. (June 30, 2022) Politico.“The elephant in the NATO room: America’s Roe reversal.” “https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/30/nato-roe-wade-response-00043305
4. https://natoassociation.ca/nato-needs-to-act-when-member-states-curb-lgbtq-rights%E2%80%AF%E2%80%AF%E2%80%AF/
5. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_182424.htm?selectedLocale=en
6. Ghebreyesus, T. (March 11, 2020). Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrTedros/status/1237800188225478658
7. (November 20, 2013). “Addressing the HIV and health needs of transgender people.” https://www.who.int/westernpacific/news/item/20-11-2013-addressing-the-hiv-and-health-needs-of-transgender-people
8. Behrendt, S. and Muller, A. (May 18, 2022). “The Far-Reaching U.S. Proposals to Amend the International Health Regulations at the Upcoming 75th World Health Assembly: A Call For Attention,” European Journal of International Law. https://www.ejiltalk.org/the-far-reaching-us-proposals-to-amend-the-international-health-regulations-at-the-upcoming-75th-world-health-assembly-a-call-for-attention/
9. U.S. Department of State (April 13, 2022). Equity Action Plan. https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Equity-Action-Plan-Website-04132022.pdf
10. U.S. Department of State Fact Sheet. (April 14, 2022). “U.S. Department of State’s Equity Action Plan,” U.S. Department of State. https://www.state.gov/u-s-department-of-states-equity-action-plan/
11. USAID. (Accessed February 23, 2023). “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment,” USAID. https://www.usaid.gov/gender-equality-and-womens-empowerment
12. USAID. (Accessed February 23, 2023). “Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance,” USAID. https://www.usaid.gov/democracy
13. Federal Register. (December 13, 2021). “Determination Under Section 7012 of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2021 Relating to Assistance to Zimbabwe,” Federal Register. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/12/13/2021-26931/determination-under-section-7012-of-the-department-of-state-foreign-operations-and-related-programs#print
14. Hamer, E. (September 24, 2021). “Afghan man sexually assaulted boys ages 12, 14, in Fort McCoy bathroom, affidavit alleges,” Stars and Stripes. https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2021-09-23/bahrullah-noori-afghan-evacuee-fort-mccoy-sexual-abuse-charges-2999542.html
15. Flood, B. (February 21, 2023). “State Department-backed group to stop funding ‘disinformation’ index that targeted right-leaning sites,” FOX News. https://www.foxnews.com/media/state-department-backed-group-stop-funding-disinformation-index-targeted-right-leaning-sites
16. African Development Bank Group Press Release. (February 17, 2023). “AfricaGoGreen Fund closes $47M in new equity investments to advance climate resilience in Africa,” African Development Bank Group. https://www.afdb.org/en/news-and-events/press-releases/africagogreen-fund-closes-47m-new-equity-investments-advance-climate-resilience-africa-59083