Policy issues

Primer: What’s in the House-Passed Radical Reconciliation Ruse? 

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the colossal $2 trillion “Build Back Better” reconciliation bill on November 19, 2021 along partisan lines.

Policy Brief: COVID Vaccine Mandates are Unwise, Unlawful, and Destructive

The entire rationale for the Biden vaccine mandate is fatally flawed as a matter of both public health and economic policy.

Policy Brief: How States Can Secure the Border

Given the federal government’s dereliction of duty, it's incumbent on governors and states to fill the void and do what federal officials and lawmakers refuse to do: end the invasion at the U.S. southern border and restore both order and sovereignty.

Three Powerful Ways States Can Combat Big Tech’s Power

The power to regulate the major internet platforms does not belong exclusively to the federal government. The states have many weapons in their arsenals—almost all of which have remained unused. The following brief provides a legal roadmap for state legislatures, attorneys general, and all others eager and willing to respond to Big Tech’s threats to our democracy.