Policy issues

Updated One-Pager: The Biden Administration’s Ukraine Supplemental

The Ukraine supplemental includes nearly $7 billion more in direct spending than originally requested by the White House, leaving the United States on the hook for increased involvement in the war through the remainder of President Biden’s term in office. 

UPDATED: Glossary of CRT-Related Terms

This glossary is meant to be a reference guide to help citizens evaluate materials and assess whether the activist practice of CRT is in effect.

Policy Brief: Yes, America’s Institutions Are Grooming Your Children

It is imperative for parents, concerned citizens, and elected officials to shift to an offensive posture to safeguard the innocence and lives of children from the adults seeking to abuse and manipulate them to serve their own sexual, gender, racial, and political ends.

Primer: The Biden Administration’s Attempt to Subvert Our Elections

Many of the very entities attacking election integrity efforts are currently engaged in an opaque initiative to use federal resources and agencies to mobilize specific voter groups for the benefit of one political party–all on the taxpayer dime.