Author: Sumantra Maitra

Towards Greater Engagement and Integration with Greenland and a New American Arctic Century

Those preserving U.S. hegemony have always preferred, in the words attributed to Cardinal Richelieu, to have an “iron hand in a velvet glove.” The north is one theater where that priority needs to be restored.

Out of Shape and Out of Control: Understanding and Reforming a “Woke” NATO

At a time of great power rivalry and emerging multipolarity, it is imperative to cut out that ideological fat that has been so divisive to the internal coherence of the American alliance system.

A Possible Path to Peace in Ukraine

A temporary freeze of the line of actual contact should not be seen as an ideal or just end, but rather as a starting point to future order.

Q and A: a “Dormant NATO” Supplemental

“Dormant NATO” is increasingly being debated across the Euro-Atlantic. Accordingly, this supplemental addresses a few issues raised recently.